
Showing posts with the label rescue dogs


I know you love me more than you love yourself. I know that you think of me all day when you are at work and I am at home thinking about you. I know you would skip a weeknight out because I have been alone all day and weeknights are for me and you. I know that if I wait on the floor beneath your chair that sooner or later you will drop some food and I will grab it and gobble it down before you can take it away from me. I know all of your pain and have counted all of your teardrops and I don't like anyone who has hurt you or anyone who may hurt you. I know you made sacrifices when you rescued me and that you gave me a second chance. I know that when you came to the shelter I noticed you right away and I wanted you to take me home. I know that when you saw me in the shelter, you thought I was cute and you heard my story and you felt badly and as much as you wanted to save me you were concerned as to whether you would be the right parent/home for me but yo...

Top 10 Things Your Dog Does While You are at Work

10 has sex with various shaped pillows 9 invites friends over to watch Game of Thrones on Netflix 8 tries on your clothes (because he is sick and tired of walking around naked all the time) 7 farts something so awful even he has to clear the room 6 logs onto your  computer for doggy online dating and creates a completely fictitious profile 5 logs onto your computer for YOUR online dating and creates a completely fictitious profile 4 sleeps then awakes at the thought of applying to college and doing something with his life but then realizes  that  would mean less sleep so forgets about it and goes back to sleep 3 updates his profile on LinkedIn so he can get a job and buy a new Kong 2 unmakes the bed and rubs  himself  all over the sheets and thinks it's funny And the #1 THING YOUR DOG DOES WHILE YOU ARE AT WORK: perfects his “IT WASN'T ME” face for when you walk through the door          ...

Dogs See Everything Through Windows - Even our Souls

All of my dogs, past and present have shared something in common; they love to spend the day looking out the front window. Sometimes I wonder what it is they see or hope to see and then I realize that what they see is EVERYTHING; all the things we as humans take for granted. To them the front window is sacred. Through that window they see us leave to work and then miraculously reappear at the end of the day. I think dogs look through many windows in life; the ones into our hearts and souls and the inevitable one that takes them from this world to the next.  The next time you catch your dog on the couch with his face smeared up against the window - join him. You may learn something. Just try not to lick the window - it makes a mess.

A Dog Named Chance

We take chances every day. Actually we take chances every second of every day - we just don't realize it and we therefore do not always weigh the consequences. We take chances in allowing ourselves to fall in love for the first time. We are vulnerable and we let someone into our deepest, darkest secrets and share with them the most intense of intimacies - love making. Many people believe that life is but a chance. It may sound Shakespearean but think about it... how many times has something happened to you that seemed like less than a coincidence? Maybe it all is one big chance sort of like leaping over a large puddle between the corner of the street and the road and you either end up in a smash landing or you make it safe and dry onto the sidewalk. It's sometimes good to take chances because in taking them we change the path we are on and turn onto something new and refreshing and we even discover a part of ourselves that had been hidden or lost. Other times we t...