
Showing posts with the label dogs wearing clothes

Top 10 Things Your Dog Does While You are at Work

10 has sex with various shaped pillows 9 invites friends over to watch Game of Thrones on Netflix 8 tries on your clothes (because he is sick and tired of walking around naked all the time) 7 farts something so awful even he has to clear the room 6 logs onto your  computer for doggy online dating and creates a completely fictitious profile 5 logs onto your computer for YOUR online dating and creates a completely fictitious profile 4 sleeps then awakes at the thought of applying to college and doing something with his life but then realizes  that  would mean less sleep so forgets about it and goes back to sleep 3 updates his profile on LinkedIn so he can get a job and buy a new Kong 2 unmakes the bed and rubs  himself  all over the sheets and thinks it's funny And the #1 THING YOUR DOG DOES WHILE YOU ARE AT WORK: perfects his “IT WASN'T ME” face for when you walk through the door          ...