Get Footloose - How I found a small town and Footloosed Fancy Free

(Circa - when I was younger) "ROADTRIP!" I was off on a journey, no not a journey, a mission - yes, I was going to find a small town and go completely "Footloose" on them. I looked at a map, packed my tights and my dancing shoes and then my mother called. I told her I would see her in a few days and that I was off on a "business trip" to which she replied "What business?" I hung up because that is what I do and ran outside, got into my car and it stalled and then it stalled again and then I realized I would need a lift to my mission. So I was about to call a friend when my father called (even though I had just spoken to my mother and he was sitting directly across from her having a piece of pecan pie). "Leeza (has no idea my name is Lisa), what's this your mother tells me you are hitting the road? I'm coming. Do they have good restaurants where you are going?" "Dad, you're not coming" and then miraculou...